
Thanks to you, 5th anniversary!
The reason why I was able to work so hard is because of the smiles of our customers.
I would like to express my sincere pleasure and gratitude.

Over the years, I have met a variety of customers.
Give! I had a bad feeling that
On the one hand, thanks to you, you have gained hope.
We also received a lot of good news.

A look of customers who have been impressed by their memories so far
Let me tell you briefly one by one.

★ Croatinine levels are stable!
Visiting the store to improve physical strength and immunity after surgery
A woman in her 60s who donated one kidney to her son through a living liver transplant
When immunity decreases, resistance decreases, so once a week I do Master V3 spine therapy therapy and calf loosening. We have been a customer since the beginning of the opening, but the value of cloatinine is very stable even though it is a single kidney.
He still comes every week to stay healthy.

2022May 27 -